

“Michael, I stopped off at my Sensei's house and showed him the Kanban, and he gave you the highest compliment I have ever heard from him. He said ‘This sign made by Japanese man, not American. Only this high quality of workmanship comes from Japan.’ He couldn't believe it was made by a hakujin (American)!!!

Coming from someone who survived WWII, the Bombing of Nagasaki, and relentless B-24 attacks as a child, he has a difficult time seeing such high quality work from an American. It's just who he is at 84 years of age. He really loved the sign. It brought him great happiness because with this sign, he knows that the future of our art and his legacy is cemented in the next generation.”

“Package from Mike Mariant arrived today … It is truly fabulous! Thank you so much! It looks amazing!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!”

“Good lord … the SIGNS are GREAT!!! Thank you! They look so great!!! Thank you so much!”

“Holy cow! It’s amazing. Sweet! I love it! Thank you!!!”